25 February, 2009

BookExpo America, Los Angeles 2008 [Update 1]

The BookExpo was held at the Los Angeles Convention Center from May 29 – June 01, 2008. It is the largest publishing event in North America and the second largest book fair in the world. There were over 2,000 exhibitors with a total registration of 28,494. This was a 22% decline from the 36,112 registrants from New York in 2007. BEA Spokesperson Roger Bilheimer said the decline was due almost entirely to a drop-off in librarian attendance which was down by about 2,000. Roger remarked that the cost of travel and the fact ALA will be held in California in less than a month deter librarians from attending.

“It’s a fair fair,” one publisher said. “that’s what you get when you come to California.” Indeed, Los Angeles is home to Hollywood after all and the fair was graced by celebrities like Brooke Shields, Magic Johnson, Jackie Collins with her big pink bus, Salman Rushdie and even Malaysia's Fengshui Diva Lilian Too showed up.

The recurrent themes from the various seminars and conferences held at the BookExpo are as follows:
  1. How to make our collections more valuable? and
  2. How to enhance customer experience?

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